5 Signs Your Child May Need to See a Child's Psychologist

child's psychologis

As a parent, there are so many factors to consider when raising your child—behavior, nutrition, and health, just to name a few. Unfortunately, not every issue can be resolved through good parenting alone. If you notice any of the following five signs in your child, it may be time to seek professional help from someone who specializes in child psychology. Here are the signs that should alert you to the need for your child to see a child's psychologist:

They Are Depressed

Depression is one of several conditions that can be associated with emotional issues in children. If your child seems sad all or most of the time, frequently complains about headaches or stomachaches, withdraws from friends and family members, has frequent difficulty sleeping and eating normally, or shows other signs of depression (such as persistent boredom), it may be time to schedule an appointment with a professional psychology of child expert.

psychology of child

They Are Losing Interest in Things They Once Enjoyed

A psychologist can also help your child if they’re losing interest in what used to be some of their favorite activities. For example, if your child is suddenly disinterested in playing sports with his/her friends, or has lost interest in hobbies such as music or arts and crafts, it could be an indication that he/she may need some additional guidance in their life. This loss of interest should not be confused with typical teenage behavior, where kids just want to spend more time hanging out at home.

Their Behavior Is Unpredictable and Erratic

If your child’s personality is turning negative or aggressive, it could be a sign that something is wrong. Pay attention to changes in your child’s behavior and how they respond when things don’t go their way. It may take a bit of time for you to realize something is off, but when you do, don’t hesitate to consult with a mental health psychology for kids professional for advice on how to handle these changes.

They Have Fears of Phobias

These fears can include fear of specific things (i.e., heights, being in water, etc.) or situations (like school). While most children will have some degree of apprehension about these sorts of things as they grow and develop, when your child consistently avoids something or worries about it for no apparent reason—and it seems out of proportion to what you see other kids facing—it may be worth considering that your child may need professional psychologist for child help.

They Show Disturbing Emotions

If your child frequently shows behaviors that are emotionally disturbing, such as anger or sadness, it may be time for them to see a therapist. Sometimes, kids aren’t sure how to express their emotions and need someone else to help them understand and cope with feelings such as fear or frustration. If your child continues negative behaviors over an extended period of time, he might need professional help. This is especially true if he starts damaging things in his environment, hurting other people or himself, lashing out at family members or caregivers, refusing to attend school because of bullying problems there or similar issues.

If you are looking for the best child's psychologist, visit us at Institute Of Child Psychology!


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